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Results for "keyword: "being stuck""
Meditating on a Sacred Moment An exercise to ground you in divine compassion.
The Present of Presence Suggestions for giving the present of presence.
Be Present with Animals A spiritual exercise especially for summertime outdoor excursions.
Give Me a Chance A plea to make a newfound awareness part of God's plans.
Jelaluddin Rumi in The Essential Rumi Keep walking, though there's no place
Clark Strand in The Wooden Bowl I once saw a cartoon
Hafiz in Marrow of Flame The Place you are right now...
Marguerite Yourcenar in Unexpected Miracles To stay in one place
Being with Your Fear A Buddhist meditation teacher's practice for being with your fear, feeling it, recognizing when it is present, and experiencing it just as it is.
Anthony de Mello in The Heart of the Enlightened What kind of weather are we going to have